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Plan a largo plazo

A Strong, Sustainable Library

Goal 1: A new leader and a new plan
Objective: Meet all of the minimum standards for public libraries in New York State by the end of 2015

• Hire a well-qualified library director who can execute the library’s mission (2015)
• Prepare a long-range plan that outlines the library’s areas of program emphasis (2015)

Goal 2: Supplement the budget by establishing new funding sources
Objective: Secure at least $25,000 in private and grant funding by 2018

• Support the creation and development of a Friends group (2016-17)
• Identify and prioritize library initiatives appropriate for grant support (2015-16)
• Seek new grant sources for library programs and projects that support our mission (2017-18)

Goal 3: Encourage greater usage of library materials and services
Objective: Increase the number of active cardholders by 5% by 2018

Evaluate existing policies and practices and determine if they are a barrier to use (2015-16)
Utilize merchandising techniques in display and promotion of materials (2015-18)
Increase visits to local schools to build awareness of library services among students, teachers, and parents (2016-18)
Further develop Spanish language and bi-lingual (Spanish-English) Collection for all ages (2016-18)
Expand DVD collection (2016-18)
Annually distribute an Annual Report to the Roosevelt community that highlights library accomplishments and makes residents aware of available services (starting in 2015 with the Annual report for Calendar Year 2014)


Framing, Supporting, and Connecting the Social Fabric of Roosevelt


Goal 1: Celebrate Cultural Heritage
Objective: Increase program attendance by 10% by 2018

• Build upon the success of our renowned Black Heritage and Culture programs by continuing to engage prominent cultural leaders for library events (2015-18)
• Increase collaborations with community organizations, like Furthering Fathering, to enhance programming (2016-18)
• Host family-oriented events that celebrate multiculturalism and are inclusive of all cultures present in Roosevelt (2016-18)
• Expand cultural programming to include topics of interest to Spanish-speaking adults (2017-18)


Goal 2: Establish a program emphasis on Genealogy and Local History
Objective: Digitize 500 items and make them available online by 2018

Use grant funds to digitize local historical documents owned by the library (2015-16)
Make digitized local historical records searchable online and as accessible as possible to residents (2016-17)
Partner with local organizations, professional groups, and neighboring libraries to share, preserve, and digitize local history material (2016-18)
Increase promotion of local history resources held by the library as well as online genealogy resources (2015-18)
Offer public workshops on how to conduct genealogical research to identify ancestors and use local history resources to add context to the story of their lives (2016-18)


Goal 3: Provide functional, attractive and safe spaces that align the Library’s physical layout with twenty-first century service delivery
Objective: By 2018 increase annual visits to the Library by 15%

• Obtain recommendations from a design professional for enhancing public use of current spaces and creating an appealing and cohe- sive look (2015)
• Improve wayfinding inside the library by adding signage and investigate the feasibility of an exterior LED sign with scrolling text to announce events (2016)
• Add additional electrical outlets to support patrons that bring their own devices to the library (2016)
• Create environments that accommodate existing and emerging technology and facilitate digital learning (2017)
• Create collaborative work areas for groups of adults (2017)


Goal 4: A website that accurately reflects our community and services
Objective: Increase visits to the website by 10% by 2018

• Plan for a website redesign by deciding how to display information in the most user-friendly way (2015-16)
• Develop enhanced content for the website that showcases the breadth of library services (2016)
• Redesign the library’s website using a Content Management System that enables library staff to control content and keep it up to date (2016-17)
• Recognizing that many residents rely on their mobile devices for internet access, use responsive web design so that the site automatically adapts to fit a variety of devices as well as PCs (2016-17)
• Take advantage of the website services of the Nassau Library System to develop staff competencies, gain more control over the library’s website and obtain cloud back-up (2016-18)


Promoting Literacy


Goal 1: Enable individuals to understand and interpret information of all kinds
Objectives: Visit each of the schools in the Roosevelt School District annually by 2017; At least 300 adults per year will attend literacy-themed programs and workshops by 2018

• Increase efforts to teach parents and other caregivers how to develop early literacy skills in children from birth to age five (2015-18)
• Re-invigorate and promote Family Place Program participation, which emphasizes a holistic approach to childhood development for achieving early childhood literacy success (2017)
• Strengthen and expand our relationship with schools to ensure the library addresses educational priorities and supports parents and students (2016-18)
• Reinforce STEM concepts with engaging, age-appropriate programming for children and teens that reinforces school curricula (2016-18)
• Offer ESL instruction for non-English speakers (2017-18)
• Develop a programmatic focus on financial literacy, especially personal finance and informed consumerism (2017-18)


Goal 2: Advance digital literacy by engaging users across the spectrum of technology proficiency
Objectives: Offer computing and online services classes in English and Spanish at least twice per month by the end of 2016; Lend mobile devices to cardholders at least 500 times by 2018

• Expand the breadth and depth of training on basic computing, email, and software applications that are frequently cited in job qualifications (2016-18)
• Begin to lend mobile devices to cardholders (2016-17)
• Expand instruction on how to use the Library’s databases and online services (2016-18)
• Provide cardholders with opportunities for tech-based learning on their devices or the Library’s devices. (2017-18)
• Develop staff proficiencies that result in their becoming more technologically savvy and able to effectively integrate the use of tablets into library operations (2017)


Developing Aspirations into Opportunities

Help job seekers and entrepreneurs develop a foundation of skills needed to succeed.


Goal 1: Help the underemployed enhance their literacy skills and job readiness so they can achieve their educational and career goals
Objective: Offer monthly workforce development programs that address job seekers’ needs by 2017

• Improve access to information on higher education by co-locating and prominently displaying resources on colleges, technical schools, financial aid, and exam preparation (2015-16)
• Establish a Job & Career Center with dedicated space, resources, computers, printers, and access to databases (2016)
• Offer programming to complement print and online resources (2015-18)
• Develop literacy and job readiness expertise among staff and designate staff to be stationed in the Job & Career Center to help patrons achieve their goals (2015-16)
• Continue to offer enriching summer employment opportunities for teens that prepare Roosevelt youth for success at work (2015-18)


Goal 2: Support aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners
Objective: Offer at least 4 programs per year that address the needs of Roosevelt’s business community by 2017

• Initiate a dialog with the Roosevelt Chamber of Commerce about business needs that could be met by the library (2016)
• Use the needs of the business community as the basis for resource acquisitions and program planning (2016-17)
• Begin offering document scanning and fax service for the public (2016)
• Build awareness of New York State and Nassau County Minority and W

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